🚀 Infinite bot glitch

Plus: Tesla's LiDAR suspense, Toyota's profit jumps, Robotaxi in China and more

Hey S3XY 🧤, Following the recent surge in Artificial Intelligence interest over the past few years, attention and investment are now shifting towards the realm of humanoid robots.
A speculative post on 'X' suggested the production of 1 billion units of 'Optimus' by 2030, a notion Elon Musk didn't entirely dismiss. Instead, he commented, "Not quite that fast, but not far wrong," implying that the humanoid robotics industry could surpass any other existing industry.

During Tesla's AI Day in September 2022, Elon Musk mentioned that once humanoid robots attain intelligence, which is realistically possible within few years given recent AI developments and unhindering compute capacity; they could significantly impact economies by unlocking potential capita. This suggests that the industry for intelligent humanoid robots could not only improve economies but also expand regardless of local capita availability.

Additionally, the widespread availability of intelligent humanoid robots at an affordable scale could alleviate various constraints associated with human labor.

And some other highlights from today’s letter 📨:

  • China Megapack factory update.

  • Xiaomi co-founder buys Tesla.

  • Nio grows swap alliance.

  • Germans against the green.

Let’s take a dive..👇🏻



567.07 B


105.71 M


75.05 M


Megapacks: Shanghai Lingang approves river-related construction plan for Tesla Energy Storage Gigafactory project.

Auto: Tesla setting a ground to roll out not only FSD but Robotaxi too in China.

Tech: Giga Berlin emerges as one of the frontrunners to utilize private 5G for extensive network requirements in automotive manufacturing.

Euro demand: The UK reported 1,352 Tesla sales and 1% market share for April, that’s -25% YoY.

More than 10%: In the first quarter, Tesla was Luminar's largest sensor customer.

LiDARS: Elon's comment further fuels curiosity about Tesla's expenditure in LiDAR technology.

Autonomy: FSD’s v12.4 would blow your mind, per Elon.

Against the Green: A week of protests against the Tesla car factory and its expansion plans is scheduled to begin in Grünheide, Germany on Wednesday.

Enormous data: Tesla must provide NHTSA with Autopilot recall data by July or face up to $135 million in fines.


Swapping car truck batteries. China is something else.

The post suggests 1 billion units of ‘Optimus’ production by 2030 to which Elon says not far wrong.
Even if it turns out to be wrong by factor of 100; Tesla would be the most valuable entity on planet Earth.

Lin Bin co-founder and vice chairman of Xiaomi buys Model Y to take some cues.

Mr. Beast to give away 26 Teslas on his birthday. Notice how frequently Teslas appear in his many videos!

TAM for humanoids.


Huge round: Microsoft and NVIDIA led by Softbank pours in $1 billion into Wayve in funding to extend its Tesla-like self-driving technology to numerous automakers.

Milestone: Nio's 500,000th mass-produced vehicle will roll off the line on May 9, local automotive media outlet Auto Home reported today.

Ouch: Rivian’s losses widen and stock falls 5%, still executives see profit outlook improving.

Bots are coming: Mimic, a robotics startup raised $2.5m for its AI-powered robotic hands which are designed to ‘mimic’ real human movements.

Results: Toyota’s net profit in Q1, 2024 jumped 97% YoY, revenue marginally improves.

Swappers: The Nio led battery swap alliance is seeing a new member, with Chinese auto giant GAC Group the latest to join.

JV: A joint venture between Chinese electric vehicle company Leapmotor and Stellantis NV, Europe's second-largest automaker by sales, is coming soon.

Launch: BYD will launch the Sea Lion 07, a battery electric vehicle that is the first model in its new Sea Lion lineup, in 2 days.


Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

This guy attempts to follow Theodore’s insane daily routine.


Honey, I am smelling some possessive bitch vibes here. 🤣 Come on…share me with your friends and spread some love along the way…🫶🏻

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